Export essentials

How can we help your export business?

We can support your business with connections to export and in-market advisers, global connections, as well as curated tools and resources.

It doesn’t matter what stage of the export journey you’re at, we’re here to help you:

Export 101 

Growing your business to the next level is not easy

Exporting doesn’t happen overnight. It can take years to get your products into key markets.

You will need to consider whether or not your business is ready to expand into exporting. Do you have the resources you need, the capital to make it happen and the knowledge required?

Exporting for business can be quite overwhelming to navigate, so we have put together qualified export resources to help you through the journey.  

Export resources

Export ready

Are you ready for the next step in your export journey?

If you’re preparing to export, it’s because you have ensured that you are ready, that you have the resources required, the capital and the knowledge. 

Understanding the complexities of exporting your product or service to create an international business is important.

We can support you with expert advice and information about programs and services to help you and in-market guidance on logistics, buyers and distributors.

Connect with us

Export expansion

Are you ready to grow your exporting business?

Through our international trade and investment offices, our in-market knowledge and contacts, we can provide you with support to enter new markets or to grow your footprint in existing ones. Work with our export and in-market advisers for business to business matching opportunities.

Take your business to the next level through: